Broadcast as a Service

my studio.


With Mollywood, our people can shine. Performing is nerve-wracking enough. They ensure the best visuals, the best sound. Our story, our message gets across. No messing around, no fumbling, no last-minute stress. It's like we're in the TV world.

With your in-house livestream studio, you have endless possibilities and immediate access to a broad audience, both internally and externally.

However, an in-house livestream studio also brings many challenges, operationally, such as planning staff for operation, knowledge retention (what happens when the person with knowledge of the equipment leaves), as well as planning, maintenance, and equipment depreciation.

The unique Mollywood concept addresses these concerns. With Mollywood, you no longer need your own equipment or technical personnel behind the scenes. Through consultation, we explore how to elevate your existing studio and provide remote control. Professional guidance ensures you achieve high-quality broadcasts every time.

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Curious about what we can do for you?

Mollywood shares a passion for technology with organizations aiming to create impactful broadcasts of high quality.

Your in-
house studio

Our remote
control room

Steal the spotlight in your own in-house studio with high-tech equipment.
High-quality visuals and sound directed from our remote control room.